Partner with Schools360

Schools360 is a trusted and influential resource for parents choosing a private school in Australia.

Reach out to us to explore partnering opportunities.

Schools360 enables schools to connect with families exploring a private school education for their child

Hyper-targeted audience

Parents seeking information to inform their decision on private school selection

High-quality content

Engaging and relevant content that is consistently ranked as the #1 search result on Google

Modern design

Clean, professional, mobile-optimised layout with minimal ads for an optimal user experience

Comprehensive analysis

Data-driven insights trusted by parents as the most thorough school assessment

Rapid growth

Targeted SEO and social media engagement driving strong audience growth

We’re launching school microsites to help parents learn more about what makes your school distinctive

Our microsite subscription options are designed to showcase your school, build awareness, and effectively capture and convert more leads for student enrolments

Basic subscription:  Build brand awareness

​Establish your school's presence on Schools360 with a listing on our exclusive private school directory. The Basic package offers detailed Schools360 analysis and comparison charts plus customised school branding. Help parents learn more about your school and connect directly with your admissions team. Basic microsite features include:

  • School branding & logo

  • About Us content section

  • High-quality image gallery

  • Active links to school website

  • Direct email to schools admission team

Premium subscription: Maximise visibility and lead generation

​Stand out with a premium microsite to showcase your school’s academic performance, student wellbeing programs, co-curricular offerings, and unique culture. Attract parents to your social media channels, drive qualified traffic to your website, increase customer engagement, and instantly capture new leads. Benefit from an ‘ad-free’ zone where only your school is promoted and gain premium visibility on the Schools360 homepage as a ‘featured school’. Premium microsite features include:

  • Principal’s message section

  • Additional image gallery & content sections

  • Virtual school tour link

  • Youtube video integration

  • Downloadable content (e.g. school prospectus)

  • Promotion of open days/school tour dates

  • Links to school social media accounts

  • Direct enquiry form

Enable your school to stand out with a dedicated microsite hosted on the Schools360 platform

Contact us to explore partnering opportunities

Schools360 can create a customised solution for brands wanting to connect with families investing in a private school education.

Fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly!