Terms of service.

  1. Acceptance of Terms: By accessing the Schools360 website (www.schools-360.com), and all affiliated websites, users agree to abide by the Terms of Use outlined.

  2. Use of the Site: The website may be used for personal or educational purposes, with certain limitations specified in the Terms. Unauthorized use or modification of materials obtained from the site is prohibited.

  3. Information Provision: Users must provide accurate and truthful information and must not impersonate others or provide false information.

  4. Intellectual Property Rights: All content on Schools360 is protected by copyright and trademark laws. Users are not permitted to use, copy, or reproduce any content without proper authorization.

  5. Privacy Policy: Information provided by users is subject to the Schools360 Privacy Policy.

  6. Registration Information: Users must provide accurate registration details and are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information.

  7. Compliance with Laws: Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations while using the Schools360 platform.

  8. Code of Conduct: Users must adhere to a specified code of conduct which prohibits actions like posting misleading information, engaging in unlawful activities, or attempting to disrupt the platform's operations.

  9. Interactive Areas: Users are accountable for the content posted in interactive areas, and Schools360 reserves the right to monitor and remove content that breaches the Terms of Use.

  10. Assumption of Risk: Users acknowledge the inherent risks associated with using online platforms and the internet.

  11. Law Enforcement: Schools360 may monitor and disclose information to law enforcement agencies as required by law.

  12. Links to Other Sites: The website might contain links to third-party websites; users should review separate terms and conditions applicable to those sites.

  13. Events Beyond Control: Schools360 is not liable for failures or delays caused by events beyond its control.

  14. Disclaimers: The platform is provided "as is" without any warranty. Schools360 is not liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of the platform.

  15. Indemnity: Users are responsible for their conduct on the platform and agree to indemnify Schools360 against any claims arising from their use.

  16. Submissions: Content submitted to the platform may be utilized by Schools360 without compensation.

  17. Right to Block Content: Schools360 retains the right to block or remove content that violates the Terms of Use.

  18. Governing Law: The Terms of Use are governed by specific state or country laws as specified in the agreement.

  19. Waiver: Failure to enforce any part of the Terms of Use does not waive the right to enforce such terms in the future.

  20. Severability: If any part of the Terms of Use is invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms remain in effect.

  21. Relationship: No joint venture, partnership, or agency relationship exists between the user and Schools360.

  22. Termination and Modification: Schools360 reserves the right to terminate or modify access to the platform without notice.

  23. Anti-Hacking: Users are prohibited from attempting to disrupt or modify the platform's content or collecting information about others.

  24. Entire Agreement/Reservation of Rights: These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between the user and Schools360.